Monday, January 19, 2009


Chapter 1 Introduction Summary:

Hitchcock: VIsualization is an important ability in film making. It isn't studied enough.
This book is to help anyone in art and design multimedia fields expand their communications skills. This book is to help communicate the visual aspects of your work through previsualization. It is important to storyboard for film and video as preplanning is  more efficient and cost effective than trying to develop an idea on set.  Also, as the film and video is collaborative work, this "visual script" works to communicate more universally to all who work on a project. The approach to story boarding use 3 parts: text, overhead diagrams and images from a variety of sources creating a language that "is broad enough for everyone to understand."  The five areas covered in this book are Assessment of the visual elements of a script that can be shown to tell a story, Ability to duplicate the imagined image onto paper,  Attention to the composition elements of the frame, Awareness of the movement of elements in the frame as well as the camera movement creating new framing, Agreement between the shot list and drawn shot.  The book is organized from general to specific but don't be afraid to revisit earlier topics or be afraid to make mistakes,. 

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