Friday, May 1, 2009

Jack and the Bean Stalk

Futuristic story of Jack and the Bean Stalk told in a time where there is nearly no food.  All food has been patented by a few companies and they own the rights to all food--even wild examples. People are prosecuted for eating/growing food without paying the licensing fees.  Through corporate bioterrorism, whole crops have been poisoned with the suicide disease.  Crops have been bred to kill all other crops and the resulting plant has a very low yield.  Only a few crops are left.  Food has become flavorless and has little nutrition.  Many types of people or races have died because peoples immune systems can not handle the new food.  Perhaps undesirables have been eliminated in this way.  Also super diseases, virulent competing plants and plagues have evolved.

Jack lives at home with his single mother.  They are nearly starving.  They have a rare cow, who is also starving. 

The cow is either:
  1. One of the last non-bioengineered animals.  It is partly starving because it is only fed the bioengineered food that is made to kill all non genetically modified animals
  2. An unlicensed cow.  The family has been caught with it and Jack must trek to the big city to return it
  3. The cow is licensed to the family but they cannot afford to renew the license, Jack must return the cow to Monsanto.
Jack meets a mysterious man on his way.  He trades the cow for the seeds.  
  1. This is illegal.  His mother is very fearful that the seeds will get them into trouble.  And now they haven't returned the cow and have something else illegal. She throws the seeds into the ground
  2. People no longer remember how to plant seeds or that they grow into food.  His mother doesn't even understand what they are.  All food is cloned/people know longer food doesn't come in bags
  3. The mother is from the old country and that is why they have a  normal cow

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